Weekends are delicious and we here at Miss Elizabeth's Ghost really know how to savor 'em. But sometimes we run into this: I mean, Friday can be a seasoned slab of fresh Atlantic salmon all it wants. It's still sitting next to Thursday on the dinner plate known as your work week. That pungent term of servitude is sweating and stinking all over a sweet T.G.I.F. Hell, it's enough to kill your appetite. Same goes for Sunday: it's a divine seven course homemade Italian supper with Arsenic ice cream for dessert. I say, forget about the sabbath. The only true holy day, is Saturday,
the day that doesn't do work.
With all that said, I'll state that
my Saturdays are sacred. So how did I spend this past one? Gabbing my face off about aspirations, old friends, art, metal and striking a pose with our photographer friend, the very talented Brendan Smyth.

Brendan is currently updating his
website with new material and we can't wait... Obviously, we'll keep you posted.
Here's one from the set. (as always, click to enlarge)
You're a babe that means business in that photo.