Wait! Where are you going?! Okay, don't leave. Sorry to dump on you like that, it's not all bad... Spring is nigh, Made Me has a fresh new lookbook and have you tried the new Dempster's Body Wise Bagels? 140 calories. Yep, things are looking up.
Jillian and I are turning our lemons into lemonade and we want to help you too, by stretching that buck!
$$$ saving tips below...

Junk hunting is thrifty and fun. Additionally, you'll have to stay in on Saturday night to nab the premium goods in the morning, consequently, you've already saved. You'll find an abundance of bargain books, furniture, knick-knacks, dishes and toys to add kitchy flare to your apartment. You can practice getting up at 9 am on Sunday and hit all your local thrift stores in anticipation for the warm weather to arrive.

Cancel your cable already, what a lame, unnecessary expense. Your friends and folks already have a bounty of classic literature kicking around the crib. Used books are cheap or free and they make you beautiful where it counts. We suggest re-visiting Arthur Miller's classic play Death Of A Salesman, flawless and momentarily appropriate.

I copped this radio at an antique graveyard out in the sticks for $2 and she still works! Turn on CBC Radio One while you drink chamomile tea and flip through the new issue of Color, you'll feel so smart and adorable it'll make your wallpaper jealous and start belittling you to the coffee table.
I'm really glad you measured those books Steph, cause I was really confused on the size hahaa