

I'm having a really bad day. It all started as I began to prepare a cheese omelet for breakfast and in an attempt to season the thing, I knocked over a shaker of salt. This caused a sudden frantic uproar from my mother (who was present during the mishap via speakerphone), extraneously recalling an indoor umbrella opening incident, 2 weeks prior. Simultaneously, a black cat crossed my path, as I walked under a ladder that was in the shape of a horseshoe, positioned in an upside down U. In horror, I ran out of the kitchen into the bedroom slamming the door behind, causing a quake to disturb the circular hall mirror as it fell from it's hook and shattered to the floor. I knocked on wood for like an hour then broke a wishbone. However, I'm still feeling cursed. I can't help but credit the whole ordeal to today's date, but that's just a bunch of superstitious hogwash...

Incidentally, at midnight yesterday evening, I went to see the new Friday The 13th movie at the AMC Theater in Dundas Square. I'll only say this: there were 13 deaths, 3 sets of breasts and you won't be mad at it.

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