
Fancy this.

When I was a kid I used to fake sick at least once a month so I could spend the day at my Nanny's instead of school. Nan would tuck the blankets around me and I'd lay on the couch and watch black and white movies. At lunch time, she'd make me soup and egg-salad sandwiches with the crust cut off, sliced on an angle into 4's. Her sandwiches always tasted finer than my mom's. It wasn't the bread or the mayonnaise, or even the way she boiled them eggs, it was the way she cut and placed them attractively on the plate. Point is, fancy is better...

While on the subject of fancy and apropos of, our friend Lori-Anne Krausewitz does this wonderfully elegant headwear line called La Krause. Each piece is handmade using various feathers, netting, fabrics and reconstructed felt hats, turning any old outfit into red carpet grade glamorous.
Recently the line has snagged the attention of Flare, Toronto Star, National Post and Toro Magazine and is available locally at ShopGirls. Check out Lori-Anne's website here.
Now, fancy that.

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