
Advertising in Cuba

[text&photo-heavy warning!!!]
As my favourite professor has repeated many times over, the word for advertising in Spanish is "propaganda" and we should all appreciate the irony in that. Who knows if it's true, my Spanish isn't so hot. Perhaps the most fascinating part of Cuba (to nerds like me) is that the only advertiser is the state yet billboards are still everywhere. Most of them are copy-heavy inspirational phrases or pictures of national heroes and lacking somewhat in the creativity we're used to.
Still, Cuba has some amazing artists. You gotta wonder where the socialista in-house agency has been recruiting Art Directors.

Speed IV: Che's Revenge
(actually says something like "fearless, faultless horseman")
Repping some local heroes. The UJC (Youth League of the Communist Party) logo is omnipresent!
These posters were in the windows of every shop in Old Havana.
Surprisingly, Fidel doesn't want his image used in most posters, preferring to leave the glory to Cuban heroes like José Martí and Che Guevara.
here, his ideals were compromised so his visage could ogle turista bikinis.
50 years of revolucion:
"the victory was, is, and will always be ours" -Fidel
"Lucky that we've got a revolucion!" - I'm starting to believe that Revolucion is really just a nickname for the party or whatever their system is called there.
Also, "no citizen will be left by chance" sounds like a direct No Child ripoff.
Fidel has proved to be the main copywriter for most of the ads in his country. "A better world is possible" is actually a pretty beautiful quote and hopefully inspires people.
This one was way out in the boonies and has led me to believe they have no budget for these things. They clearly sent out two students from the Josef Stalin School for the Arts with a couple buckets of paint and the Revolucion manifesto on a scroll and instructed one to write it out while the other had to paint this portrait of a militant Fidel from memory.
Something about "the party of all the battles".
aka. 50 years of Revolucion
Cubans love their stencils. Here, the ever-present José Martí watches over the Cuban 5.
It says "they will return" with their faces painted on every unused wall possible.
Here they are again, in high-qual print! CMYK or Pantone?
50 years. Pantone.
C'mon, they have a Karl Marx theatre. Hahahahah!
Something about patriotic Cubans and "cowherds"! in huge letters
José Martí
I can't for the life of me figure this one out.
"1 minute of blockade" and a barcode? help!
I was hoping for something like this and saw it on my last day. the clever copy reads "full [hand] of aces" but the highlighted text turns the Spanish word for Aces into Assassins. As much as I love puns, what's with the corny puzzle graphic?

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